The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Union-News, Wednesday, March 31, 1993 Fewer worldy goods can mean greater satisfaction in life Continued from Page 29 calendar is crowded with workshops, and she recently started a support group called Clutterbusters in the Albany area. She says living simply is a subject that affects everyone. Her students include men, women, singles, married people, young and old. Some of the more frequent participants in her workshops: People who find that something in their lives isn't working; who, for example. hate their jobs and would like to start their own businesses.

Young couples who want to start having children, and would like the mother to stay home rather than working. Parents who want to start "down sizing" now that their children are leaving the nest. Professionals who are "just too harried by all the pulls and tugs on their time." The "sandwich" generation, GGIn society today, the message is that the more you have, the better a person you are. The bigger the house, the better. To me, there's got to be more to life than just that.

Janine Bonin, Chicopee -15 who are helping their children through college and trying to care for their parents. Janine Bonin of Chicopee, 42 and single, took a "Beyond Clutter" workshop at Genesis two years ago. Bonin describes herself as an idealistic person who, five years earlier, had made some profound changes in her life in her living environment, her financial picture, her personal life. She increased her community involvement, since the most important thing in her life was other people. Her philosophy seems to have won her many friends; at a fast-food restaurant recently, she was greeted warmly by name by everyone from waitresses to Chicopee Mayor Joseph Chessegonin says Volk's course has affected her in subtle ways.

Currently she is moving to a smaller house with less space. "There's no room for clutter. no room to collect stuff," she says. "I'm making quite a change by not allowing myself that room. "In society today." says Bonin.

"the message is that the more you have, the better a person you are. The bigger the house, the better. To me, there's got to be more to life than just that." A new abundance Volk says the first step in embracing simplicity is to make a serious commitment to the idea. "The first thing a person has to do is to WANT to do it," she says. "This involves values deciding what's important to you.

In the case of couples, the decision has to be made jointly. Children should be consulted too, as it means cutting down on things like excessive Christmas presents. Volk says her definition of "abundance" has changed since her days as a successful lawyer. Now she defines it in terms of the time she spends with her friends. She joins them for lunch and for flower shows.

She is looking forward to attending a "chocolate show" with a friend. She sews, gardens and relies on herself for many of the services she used to pay other people to do. She emphasizes that living simply doesn't have to mean a primitive. sterile existence. "My home is warm and comfortable.

not metal and modernistic," says Volk, who is enthusiastic about conveniences like her microwave and her toaster oven. Is there anything she misses from her old life? "One of the hardest things was to give away my fancy dresses and nice business suits," she says. "I don't do that schtick any more!" What has she gained? "I laugh much easier than I ever used to at myself, at the human condition," says Volk. who is in her 40s. "People never know what to expect from me.

This has freed up my energy. I get tired, but it's a nice tired. I sleep easier. "I feel richer now, because having stuff and money gets in the way of true relationships. "The Spirituality of Clearing Clutter and Living Free" will begin the evening of Friday, April 2, and end after lunch that Sunday.

Volk will also return on May 15 10 teach a one-day workshop called "Clear Clutter and Get Organized." For more information on Helen Tolk's programs at Genesis Spiritual Life Center, call Genesis at 562-3627. Genesis is located at 53 Mill Westfield MA 01085. NEWS AND NOTES well as the public are welcome to Federal retirees attend. The National Association of Re- Concerned Fathers tired Federal Employees, Chapter 221, will meet April 2 at 1:30 p.m. Western Massachusetts Chapter at Trinity Methodist Church on of Concerned Fathers of MassaSumner Avenue, Springfield.

chusetts will meet April 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the Springfield YMCA, 275 Details and assignments for the Chestnut Springfield. State Convention May 5 and 6 will Guest speaker will be Anthony be discussed. Other information Signoli. He will discuss "Legis- from Washington will also be dis- lative Bills." cussed.

The public is welcome and refreshments will be served. For furA All federal retirecs, employees, ther information. call 736-7432 or spouses and surviving spouses as 736-5697. INGIS EYE CARE Personal Family Eye Care Most Insurances Accepted New No-Stitch Cataract Surgery Laser Surgery for Glaucoma and Diabetic Eye Disease Surgery to correct crossed eyes. Plastic surgery of the eyelids We Welcome New Patients.

THEODORE M. INGIS MD, PC 300 Stafford Street, Springfield, MA. 01104 Telephone: (413) 733-2260 ICI ON PARLE FRANCAIS Over-the-counter drugs can kill pets Dear Abby: I want you to know that your recent column warning pet owners never to give their pets aspirin saved our dog's life! Brooke, our 11-year-old German shepherd, was quite sore after a weekend of retrieving Frisbees with my husband. I read your article in the Tacoma News on my lunch break, and told my husband about it as soon as I got home. As it turned out, had just given Brooke some Advil! A quick call to our vet confirmed that the dosage was toxic and could endanger her life, so we rushed Brooke to the clinic where she was given a shot to induce vomiting.

We were also given a stern warning about giving our pet aspirin. We are thankful that our dog is well, and we count your column Dear Abby By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN among our blessings this week. Rick and Kathleen North, Gig Har- bor, Wash. Dear Rick and Kathleen: I'm pleased to learn that the information was helpful. I published it because I found it alarming that over-the-counter drugs that are safe for humans can be lethal to pets.

Son must be allowed to live with couple Dear Ann Landers: I am a 21- year -old professional working woman and the mother of a 2- month-old baby boy. The father of my child is a 20-year-old unemployed college student. "Roy" and I are living together, and I pay all the bills because he is having trouble finding a job. He has a 5-year-old son from a previous relationship and says as soon as he finds work he would like his son to move in with us. Ann, I'm not in favor of this plan.

The problem is that I don't know how to tell Roy that I'm not ready to be a mother to someone else's child. His little boy is poorly behaved, does not speak to me when he comes here to spend the day and ignores any suggestions I make for us to have fun. How can I tell my boyfriend that I don't want his son to move in without creating a serious rift between us? Sara in Texas Dear Sara: If my arithmetic is correct, this 20-year-old, unemployed college student had a son when he was 15. Now he wants to move that child into your home where there is a second son born out of wedlock. I also notice that he can't find a job and you are paying all the bills.

This does not look like a stable relationship to me, but you didn't ask for my opinion, so I won't pursue the issue. If you are determined to build a permanent relationship with Roy, you are going to have to get along with his other son and agree to let the child live with you. This i is going to demand a lot of patience and maturity. Good luck, dear woman, you are going to need a ton of it. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a checker at a grocery store who is plenty fed up with people who misuse food stamps.

A woman came in today and bought a big bag of shrimp for $32.12. She paid for this luxury item with food stamps. Another woman purchased a fancy birthday cake for $17. A man bought a 10-cent lemon (again with food stamps) and put the remaining 90 cents in his pocket. Most of these people are able to work, but they would rather get a free handout from the government.

I know there are some disabled people who cannot work. But can't something be done about the freeloaders who are costing us taxpayers millions? I am Upset in Texas Dear Texas: I've received many letters such as yours, but usually they come not from the checkout people but from customers in the checkout line who become upset when they see people buying luxury items with food stamps. Of course there are abuses, but I can tell you that the vast majority SEAMLESS ALUMINUM GUTTERS Quality Craftsmanship for over 25 yrs. HOME SHOW SPECIAL It's time to replace the old and damaged gutters and downspouts before the heavy rains arrive. All Material Guaranteed Fully Insured Assorted Colors Family owned and operated; does not do gutter and downspouts as a sideline.

It's SPRING our full time SALE profession. Verdon's 65 Main St. Wilbraham, MA (413) 596-9611 Dear Abby: We have a beautiful, intelligent, 19-year-old granddaughter who is in her second year of college. Last Christmas she became engaged to a young man of 21. He's hardworking and ambitious.

He gave her a diamond ring that is more than a carat and is worth about $7,500. Our granddaughter came by a few days ago for a visit. During our visit, I asked about her boyfriend. She said she had broken the engagement but hadn't returned the ring yet. My wife said, "I wouldn't give it back; I'd keep it." "Wait," I said.

"The ring signifies a promise to marry, and she has broken the promise, therefore she should return the ring." Now I am in the doghouse. Please advise. Music City, U.S.A. Dear Music City: I hope your beautiful, intelligent, 19-year-old granddaughter doesn't take her grandmother's advice. If the enpar- is broken by either the lady should return the engagement ring or she's no lady.

Dear Abby: Concerning the errors discussed in your grammar column that ran in The Times-Picayune of New Orleans, may I submit my pet peeve? When people say "in one word," you expect just that one word. But instead, they just rant on and on. I'd like to tell them just one word "Hush." And by the way, Abby, did anya ever tell you you're a cheap therapist? For the price of stamp, people can unload all their problems. They may not get an answer but it does them a world of good to get it off their chests. Mrs.

Victor Michel, Houma, La. Dear Mrs. Michel: I've been called an amateur wailing wall without portfolio before, but never a "cheap. therapist." 1 I think I'll file this under "damned with faint praise." NEWS ATTENTION Buying tires can be easy when you buy tires from other WOMEN! The Tire Warehouse "Women's Tire Tele-Center" knows how confusing it can be when you don't understand tire treads, sizes, quality, installation costs, warranties and policies. WOMEN CAN CALL WOMEN! Who are TW certified tire sales experts that understand the problems when buying tires for any vehicle.

For personal, family or business use. One number does it The TW "Women's Tire Tele-Center" 1-80 1-800-374-9876 0 Tire "QUALITY TIRES FOR LESS" 818 MEMORIAL AVE OTHER WEST SPRINGFIELD ALL CALLS 732-9787 DUCOVER M-F 8-6 SAT. 8-2 8 Ann Landers By ANN LANDERS of food stamp recipients would be in dire straits without this assistance. I also agree that all able-bodied people should be put to work cleaning up the streets, parks, alleys and wherever trash is found. They should, however, be paid in money.

Projects like this are already in place. We have the Job Corps about which you have read in this space, as well as President Clinton's proposals for government service. SOUTH CHURCH 45 Maple Street RUMMAGE SALE Thursday, April Pd 9am-2pm Friday, April 2 9am-1 2noon 18 BEST 18 HOLES Which Answer this one question: I Fifteen consider do you golf GOLF CHALLENGE Massachusetts on the best? Fill out an entry form and Golf 'The Best' this season: send your answer to the will The present Union-News winning and golf Sunday courses with Republican Sunday Republican's 'Best of 18' plaques and 'Best of 18' Best 18 Holes Golf Challenge markers for the winning holes, so you know where to golf and where to look for by Friday, April 9. the Best 18 Holes in Western Massachusetts. Watch for the 'Best 18 Holes' list: We will compile a list from reader responses of the best 18 holes in Western BEST 18 HOLES ENTRY FORM Massachusetts.

The list will appear in the Golf Sunday Special Republican. Section on April 18 in the course do you consider the best? Which one hole on any Western Massachusetts golf Win one of 15 great prizes: Number of hole. Names will be drawn at random from the Name of golf course entries we receive to win fifteen where golf course is located great prizes: 1st Prize: Set of golf clubs Name 2nd Prize: Big Bertha golf club Address 3rd Prize: Golf shoes City State 4th Prize: Pull cart Zip Code 5th Prize: Golf for four at a local club Daytime Phone 6th-10th Prize: Mail by Friday, April 9, 1993, to: Best 18 Holes Challenge Republican golf shirts Union-News 11th-15th Prize: 1860 Promotion Main Street Department Union-News Republican golf balls (12) Springfield, MA 01101 Sunday Republiran BEST 18 HOLES CONTEST RULES: 1. No purchase necessary to enter. 2.

The Best 18 Holes Got Challenge is a contest open to all adults 18 years old or older, except employees of the Union-News and Sunday Republican and their immediate families. 3. To enter: mail or deliver your entry form to Best 18 Holes Contest, Union-News, Promotion Department, 1860 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01101, by Friday, April 9. One entry per person. 4.

All entries become the property of the Union- News and Sunday Republican and will not be acknowledged or returned. 5. Winners Names will will be drawn at random from all entries to win the contest prizes. One prize per person. Decision of the judges is final.

be notifed by phone. Their names, along with the Best 18 Holes list will appear in the Golf Special Section on April 18. 6. Winners Acceptance be of a required prize to constitutes consent to use the winner's name and likenesses for editorial, advertising and publicity purposes. may sign an atladvit of eligibility.

7. For a list of prize winners, send a sel-addressed stamped envelope to: Prize Winners List, Best 18 Holes, Union-News, Promotion Department, 1860 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01101. Entries are available in the Union-News and Sunday Republican and at your golf store or pro shop. enpar- engagement errors submit and one anya answer La. wall file 1.

The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.