Warframe Weapon Tier List (2024)

If you’re looking for a Warframe Weapon Tier List you’ve come to the right place.

Warframe is a free-to-play online shooter that was released way back in 2013. Despite its old age, the title still has active players, amassing nearly 50 million in 2019. This continued popularity is largely due to the game’s multiple expansions. In fact, just last March, Warframe received yet another major addition to its game world: the Corpus Promixa expansion.

With all these new additions to the game, it’s worth revisiting to check for new gear and weapons. And when it comes to weapons, Warframe has a lot. Luckily, our Warframe Weapon Tier List is here to save the day. For this list, we’ll be ranking all the weapons that exist in the game, according to their usefulness and power. Yes, that’s right. All of the weapons! Primary, Secondary, and Melee.

Now, let’s get to our Warframe Weapon Tier List!



These picks are the best of the best. S-Tier weapons are so strong that they give you an almost disgusting advantage in the game. Try to get your hands on them if you want to dominate.

Primary Weapon
  • Acceltra
  • Bubonico
  • Cedo
  • Ignis Wraith
  • Kuva Bramma
  • Proboscis Cernos
  • Rubico Prime
  • Trumna
Secondary Weapon
  • Kuva Brakk
  • Kuva Nukor
  • Pyrana Prime
  • Sporelacer
Melee Weapon
  • Gram Prime
  • Guandao Prime
  • Kronen Prime
  • Lesion
  • Nami Skyla Prime
  • Nikana Prime
  • Orthos Prime
  • Paracesis
  • Plague Kripath
  • Reaper Prime
  • Redeemer Prime
  • Sepfahn
  • Stropha
  • Venka Prime
  • Vitrica


A-Tier weapons fall short of being in S-Tier because they aren’t quite as powerful, in terms of damage potential and usefulness. But this doesn’t make them bad choices. On the contrary, all of the weapons in this tier are great picks, so they’re worth investing in as well.

Primary Weapon
  • Amprex
  • Arca Plasmor
  • Artemis Bow
  • Baza Prime
  • Corinth Prime
  • Dread
  • Exergis
  • Fulmin
  • Kuva Chakkhurr
  • Kuva Hind
  • Kuva Kohm
  • Kuva Ogris
  • Kuva Quartakk
  • Kuva Tonkor
  • Opticor Vandal
  • Phantasma
  • Prisma Twin Gremlins
  • Shedu
  • Soma Prime
  • Stahlta
  • Supra Vandal
  • Sybaris Prime
  • Tenet Envoy
  • Tenora Prime
  • Tiberon Prime
  • Tigris Prime
  • Vaykor Hek
  • Vectis Prime
  • Zenith
Secondary Weapon
  • Akjagara Prime
  • Aksomati Prime
  • Akstiletto Prime
  • Akvasto Prime
  • Athodai
  • Atomos
  • Catabolyst
  • Catchmoon
  • Cyanex
  • Euphona Prime
  • Gaze
  • Kuva Seer
  • Kuva Twin Stubbas
  • Lenz
  • Mara Detron
  • Rattleguts
  • Sepulcrum
  • Sicarus Prime
  • Staticor
  • Synoid Gammacor
  • Tombfinger
  • Twin Grakatas
  • Twin Kohmak
  • Velox
  • Vermisplicer
  • Zakti Prime
  • Zymos
Melee Weapon
  • Arca Titron
  • Balla
  • Broken War
  • Ceti Lacera
  • Cyath
  • Dakra Prime
  • Destreza Prime
  • Dokrahm
  • Dragon Nikana
  • Dual Kamas Prime
  • Dual Keres
  • Fragor Prime
  • Galatine Prime
  • Glaive Prime
  • Hate
  • Hirudo
  • Ironbride
  • Jat Kusar
  • Karyst Prime
  • Keratinos
  • Kuva Shildeg
  • Ninkondi Prime
  • Ohma
  • Pangolin Prime
  • Pennant
  • Plague Keewar
  • Prisma Dual Cleavers
  • Quassus
  • Rakta Dark Dagger
  • Sigma & Octantis
  • Silva & Aegis Prime
  • Skiajati
  • Tatsu
  • Tekko Prime
  • Telos Boltace
  • Tenet Exec
  • Tipedo Prime
  • Twin Krohkur
  • War


B-Tier weapons are your standard, run-of-the-mill options. Most of the players will have no problem playing through all of Warframe with these weapons. They have great stats through all of their ranks and can satisfy the average player. On some occasions, these weapons might even be great picks.

Primary Weapon
  • Ambassador
  • Astilla
  • Basmu
  • Battacor
  • Baza
  • Boar Prime
  • Boltor Prime
  • Cernos Prime
  • Convectrix
  • Corinth
  • Daikyu
  • Dex Sybaris
  • Ferrox
  • Glaxion Vandal
  • Hek
  • Hema
  • Ignis
  • Kohm
  • Komorex
  • Kuva Drakgoon
  • Kuva Karak
  • Lanka
  • Latron Prime
  • Mutalist Cernos
  • Nagantaka
  • Opticor
  • Panthera Prime
  • Paris Prime
  • Phage
  • Prisma Gorgon
  • Prisma Grakata
  • Prisma Grinlok
  • Quanta Vandal
  • Quellor
  • Rakta Cernos
  • Rubico
  • Sancti Tigris
  • Scourge
  • Secura Penta
  • Snipetron Vandal
  • Sobek
  • Sporothrix
  • Stradavar Prime
  • Strun Wraith
  • Synapse
  • Synoid Simulor
  • Telos Boltor
  • Tenet Arca Plasmor
  • Tenet Tetra
  • Tenora
  • Vectis
  • Vulkar Wraith
  • Zarr
  • Zhuge Prime
Secondary Weapon
  • Akarius
  • Akbolto Prime
  • Akbronco Prime
  • Aklex Prime
  • Aksomati
  • Arca Scisco
  • Azima
  • Ballistica Prime
  • Dex Furis
  • Dual Toxocyst
  • Hikou Prime
  • Hystrix
  • Knell
  • Kuva Kraken
  • Lato Prime
  • Lato Vandal
  • Lex Prime
  • Nukor
  • Ocucor
  • Pandero
  • Pox
  • Prisma Angstrum
  • Pyrana
  • Quatz
  • Sancti Castanas
  • Secura Dual Cestra
  • Spectra Vandal
  • Spira Prime
  • Twin Rogga
  • Tysis
  • Vasto Prime
  • Vaykor Marelok
  • Zakti
Melee Weapon
  • Ack & Brunt
  • Arum Spinosa
  • Atterax
  • Bo Prime
  • Cassowar
  • Caustacyst
  • Cobra & Crane
  • Dark Split-Sword
  • Dehtat
  • Dex Dakra
  • Dual Ether
  • Dual Ichor
  • Fang Prime
  • Galatine
  • Guandao
  • Gunsen
  • Jat Kittag
  • Kogake Prime
  • Korrudo
  • Krohkur
  • Kronen
  • Kronsh
  • Lacera
  • Machete Wraith
  • Mewan
  • Mios
  • Mire
  • Nikana
  • Ooltha
  • Pathocyst
  • Prisma Machete
  • Prisma Obex
  • Prisma Skana
  • Pulmonars
  • Rabvee
  • Redeemer
  • Sancti Magistar
  • Sarpa
  • Scindo Prime
  • Scoliac
  • Secura Lecta
  • Skana Prime
  • Synoid Heliocor
  • Tenet Grigori
  • Tenet Livia
  • Twin Basolk
  • Vaykor Sydon
  • Volnus
  • Wolf Sledge
  • Xoris
  • Zenistar


C-Tier is when the weapons start to get mediocre. They’re passable picks that do the job but don’t expect anything spectacular from them. These weapons are lacking in damage potential, and are far inferior to the weapons in higher tiers. Still, if you have nothing else to use, you can fall back on C-Tier weapons.

Primary Weapon
  • Argonak
  • Attica
  • Boltor
  • Braton Prime
  • Braton Vandal
  • Burston Prime
  • Buzlok
  • Cernos
  • Dera Vandal
  • Drakgoon
  • Flux Rifle
  • Glaxion
  • Gorgon Wraith
  • Grakata
  • Grinlok
  • Harpak
  • Javlok
  • Karak
  • Karak Wraith
  • Latron Wraith
  • Miter
  • MK1-Strun
  • Mutalist Quanta
  • Ogris
  • Panthera
  • Paracyst
  • Penta
  • Prisma Tetra
  • Quartakk
  • Simulor
  • Snipetron
  • Soma
  • Stradavar
  • Supra
  • Sybaris
  • Tenet Flux Rifle
  • Tiberon
  • Tigris
  • Tonkor
  • Torid
  • Veldt
  • Zhuge
Secondary Weapon
  • Acrid
  • Afuris
  • Akbolto
  • Akjagara
  • Aklex
  • Akmagnus
  • Akstiletto
  • Akvasto
  • Akzani
  • Angstrum
  • Brakk
  • Bronco Prime
  • Cestra
  • Cycron
  • Despair
  • Detron
  • Dual Cestra
  • Embolist
  • Furis
  • Fusilai
  • Gammacor
  • Hikou
  • Kohmak
  • Kulstar
  • Lex
  • Magnus
  • Marelok
  • Plinx
  • Rakta Ballistica
  • Sonicor
  • Spectra
  • Spira
  • Stubba
  • Stug
  • Talons
  • Telos Akbolto
  • Tenet Cycron
  • Tenet Detron
  • Twin Gremlins
  • Twin Vipers Wraith
  • Vasto
  • Viper Wraith
  • Zylok
Melee Weapon
  • Amphis
  • Anku
  • Ankyros Prime
  • Boltace
  • Broken Scepter
  • Cerata
  • Dark Dagger
  • Dark Sword
  • Destreza
  • Dual Cleavers
  • Dual Heat Swords
  • Dual Kamas
  • Dual Raza
  • Dual Zoren
  • Endura
  • Ether Daggers
  • Ether Reaper
  • Ether Sword
  • Falcor
  • Furax Wraith
  • Galvacord
  • Gazal Machete
  • Glaive
  • Gram
  • Halikar
  • Heat Sword
  • Heliocor
  • Jaw Sword
  • Karyst
  • Kesheg
  • Kreska
  • Lecta
  • Masseter
  • Nami Skyla
  • Ninkondi
  • Okina
  • Orthos
  • Orvius
  • Pangolin Sword
  • Plasma Sword
  • Prova
  • Prova Vandal
  • Pupacyst
  • Ripkas
  • Scindo
  • Serro
  • Shaku
  • Sheev
  • Sibear
  • Silva & Aegis
  • Skana
  • Tekko
  • Tenet Agendus
  • Tipedo
  • Tonbo
  • Venka


D-Tier weapons are the least useful in the game. With subpar damage output and often difficult handling, you’re better off with any other weapon. So, whenever you have the opportunity to replace them with anything from the higher tiers, we suggest you take it.

Primary Weapon
  • Boar
  • Braton
  • Burston
  • Dera
  • Gorgon
  • Hind
  • Latron
  • MK1-Braton
  • MK1-Paris
  • Paris
  • Quanta
  • Strun
  • Tetra
  • Vulkar
Secondary Weapon
  • Akbronco
  • Aklato
  • Ballistica
  • Bolto
  • Bronco
  • Castanas
  • Kraken
  • Kunai
  • Lato
  • MK1-Furis
  • MK1-Kunai
  • Seer
  • Sicarus
  • Twin Vipers
  • Viper
Melee Weapon
  • Ankyros
  • Bo
  • Ceramic Dagger
  • Cronus
  • Dual Skana
  • Fang
  • Fragor
  • Furax
  • Heat Dagger
  • Kama
  • Kestrel
  • Kogake
  • Machete
  • Magistar
  • MK1-Bo
  • MK1-Furax
  • Nami Solo
  • Obex
  • Sydon

On the next page, you’ll learn how to improve your weapons to get stronger in the game.


Warframe’s leveling and modification system forces players to commit to weapons if they wish to get stronger. Now that you know the best guns in the game, it’s worth touching on how you can utilize them.


To rank up your weapons, you will need to earn affinity, which is how the game refers to experience points. Your entire arsenal of weapons gains affinity whenever you or your team scores kills. That said, the best way to level up your weapons is to only keep the most important ones. If you come across a weapon you don’t need, dispose of it immediately. This is because killing an enemy with a weapon splits the affinity among the weapons you currently hold. So, the less weapons in your arsenal, the better.


Equipping your weapons with useful modifications can give you the edge you need over the game’s enemies. Fortunately, you can acquire mods simply by playing the game. Battle with enemies, complete missions, and participate in events to get as many mods as you can.


You can play Warframe for hours on end without getting bored. With an ever-expanding world and fun gameplay, it’s hard not to get hooked. Though to be a good player, you’ll also need to plan out your gear, and weapons play a central role in that department. You don’t want to invest hours of your day leveling up a weapon only to realize later that it was a complete waste of time. So, study our Warframe Weapon Tier List, and try to get any of the top-tier weapons. If you do that, we guarantee that you’ll breeze through the game.

We hope you found this list useful! If so, you may also like our Warframe Tier List.

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Warframe Weapon Tier List (1)

Dan Western

Dan Western is the founder of Gaming Gorilla, as well as several other infotainment blogs. When he's not working on his business, he's likely in the gym or playing video games. Dan's current setup is a PS5/Nintendo Switch living room setup, and a custom RTX 3090, I9-10850K inside the Lian Li 011D Mini for his office setup.

Warframe Weapon Tier List (2)

Warframe Weapon Tier List (2024)


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