55+ Cute Valentine Box Ideas for Boys & Girls School Parties…
Once upon a time, mom would take us grocery shopping, and while we were there, we’d be given the choice between about 10 kinds of pre-made, 3″x4″ valentines to buy for our class parties.
No one made homemade valentines. No one even brought in candies or special treats. We bought a cheapo box of cards, signed our name on the back in pencil, and that was about it.
As far as the valentine box went? We’d put our names on a brown lunch bag, and that’s where our valentines were delivered. Easy breezy.
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it seems like one had to procure their master’s degree from Martha Stewart University in order to “do Valentine’s Day” properly.
The kids want handmade valentines, with candy (unless your school has a strict, no-candy policy like ours 👎), and the valentine box must also be on point. It is quite an undertaking.
Luckily, these things are fun, given an unlimited amount of time and creativity.
However, I do not know too many with an over-abundance of either of those, especially after coming home from working long hours and needing to tackle other things on the to-do list like, I don’t know…showering, feeding people, paying bills to keep the lights on, etc.
I researched these ideas and put them in one spot to make it easier to scroll and find the perfect idea for your little. But if you have ZERO desire to go the DIY Valentine box route, then sister, I do not blame you in the least. In fact, I applaud you. Know your boundaries! Just say NO!
If You Have No Time (Or Desire) To DIY A Valentine Box
I am here to help you out, too. At the bottom of this list, I have ANOTHER list. It is full of valentine box ideas that you can BUY instead of DIY 😃! Score. Scroll to the bottom for that info ;).
So rest easy, Mama. One way or another, we are going to be SET for this important Hallmark holiday this year :).
Beyond Valentine box ideas…
We have some other fantastic Valentine’s Day ideas, and other holiday printables and treats around here, so don’t miss these, too!
- 17 Unicorn Valentine Box Ideas
- Valentines Day Card Ideas for Kids (Without Candy)
- Connect Four Valentine Free Printables for Kids
- Baby Yoda Valentines
- Valentine Squishies – Free Printable Valentine Cards
- Easy DIY Piñata for Valentine’s Day
- Yo Yo valentine printables
- Free Printable Jump Rope Valentines
- (Free) Printable Paratrooper Valentines
- 55 Printable Christmas Games
- 43 Free Printable Christmas Coloring Pages
- Free Printable Christmas Elf Arrival Letter
- 23 DIY Valentine Wreath Ideas You’ll LOVE
Valentine’s Day Boxes: Basic Supplies
Each of these creative valentine box ideas will have their own specific needs, but if you’re stocked with some basic, inexpensive craft supplies at home already, you’re going to be way ahead in this valentine holder making adventure.
Here are some of the most commonly used items for these cute valentines box ideas:
- box(es) of choice: tissue boxes, shoe boxes, or empty cereal boxes can all work
- acrylic paint
- craft brushes
- colorful felt
- assorted pom poms
- colorful yarn
- hot glue/hot glue gun
- glue stick
- scissors
- white cardstock, construction paper and/or scrapbook paper
- Mod Podge
- paper towel or toilet paper rolls
- duct tape
50+ Fantastic and Fun Valentine Box Ideas
1.Taco | Artsy Fartsy Mama
I kinda want one of these for myself, not gonna lie.
2. Darth Vader Box | Foster 2 Forever
May the force be with your little one as they head off to the Valentine’s party with this incredible box! They’ll be the envy of the rest of the class, for sure.
3. Minecraft Box | Where The Smiles Have Been
Got tweens? Then Minecraft is definitely a popular game, and that makes this an awesome Valentine box idea!
4. Face to Eat Candy | Wendy Janelle
Isn’t this one hilarious? I had to look at it three times to realize it wasn’t a real child with his mouth agape 😂. So fun.
5. Locomotive Lovers’ Train Valentine Box | Where The Smiles Have Been
Having an all-things-train lover in my own house, I ADORE this “love train” valentine box idea! The creativity is over the top! Your little train fan is sure to love this darling idea.
6.Merry Mailbox | Little Red Window
No bills in this mailbox! Score! And your little one could play with this one even after the valentine’s party is done. Cute idea, right?!
7. Basketball Hoop Box | It’s all about Ty & Ashlee
Here’s the perfect valentine box for all those little b-ballers out there! Best part? Your kiddo can shoot baskets in it with the ball, as well as their valentine’s cards ;).
8. Emoji Box | Happy Scraps
A valentine’s day box idea that screams Gen Y or Z! And if your little one loves emojis, check out our free printable emoji valentines, too!
9. Sponge Bob Square Pants | Fun Money Mom
I must admit, I’ve jumped on the Sponge Bob train after many years of resisting. And if someone in your family is on board as well, they will surely appreciate this beloved character in the form of a cute valentine’s day box!
10. Harry Potter Book of Monsters | Fun Money Mom
This one is so insanely good, isn’t it?! I can’t get over how much this monster valentine box looks like the real book from the Harry Potter movie.
Here’s a quiz for you Potterheads…which movie is this from? Leave a comment so I can test your Potter IQ ;).
11. Golden Rule Gumball Machine | Jamie Lane Designs
It’s the golden rule as a gumball machine! What better lesson than to give, even as you receive!
The best part about this cute box is that it not only collects valentines, but offers a fun treat in return! How much fun is that?!
12. Football Field | Ginger Casa
Talk about creative ideas! Ginger Casa’s son had the idea for this artificial turf field box. Isn’t it so clever?
And I can see kids having a great time shooting field goals with paper footballs during their valentine’s day parties, too!
13. Mickey Mouse | Design Dazzle
Disney fans at home? They’ll definitely adore simple valentine box from Design Dazzle.
14. Pom Pom Covered Heart | Design Improvised
Pom-Pom perfection! If you’ve got lots of pom poms at home, then break out the glue gun and get to work on the top of the box you’ve got…bonus points if it’s a heart-shape!
15. Delightful Dinosaur | Savvy Mama Lifestyle
This dinosaur won’t bite when friends add their valentines at the class party…he’s a plant eater (I think ;).
16. Pokemon Pikachu Perfection | Savvy Mama Lifestyle
Here’s the perfect way to celebrate Valentine’s Day if you live with a Pokemon fan!
17. Valentine Camper | Suzie’s Artsy Craftsy Sitcom
Your little camper will be even happier if this is the valentine box they get to use this year! Talk about a fun way to transport all those valentines!
18. Mailbox with Working Door | Camp Clem
Love the little working mail drop and flag on this card box!
19. Monster with Teeth | Craftabilities
Your little monster will have a grand time catching their friends’ hands when they add valentine’s day cards to this toothy box!
20. Purple Minion | The Joys of Boys
My son saw this purple minion valentine box and instantly decided it was the one he wanted this year. I’ll let you know how it turns out!
21. White Cat | Pretty Plain Janes
A pretty kitty cat could be a sweet valentine’s day treat box for kids of all ages. This one is giving me fun valentine’s day piñata vibes, no?
22. Super Mario Pirahna | Little Blonde Mom
This mom is a rockstar, right? Check out this piece of genius! Would you dare to stick a hand into the mouth of this cute carnivorous plant? This one was certainly made with lots of love.
23. Yellow Submarine | Plaid Online
A place where all your valentine cards can live…in a yellow submarine 🎵. And what a great way to reuse one of those big oatmeal containers, right?!
24. John Deere Tractor | Sarah Joy Blog
We’ve got a little John Deere dude at home, so this one definitely caught my eye!
25. Pugs and Kisses | Mod Podge Rocks
Dog lovers! Here’s a fun puppy pal idea to try!
26. R2D2 | One She Two She
Such a genius use for a little trashcan! And it won’t go to waste after the party, either.
27. Ice Cream Truck | Plaid Online
One way to ensure a sweet Valentine’s Day is to collect your valentines in an ice cream truck!
28. Hot Air Balloon | Fun 365
Isn’t this one so unique?! These adorable hot air balloons will certainly be a hit at any valentine’s day party
29. Rubiks Cube | Peppermint Plum
You’ll want a square box or a Kleenex box to make this creative project! Hopefully this project is easier to create than a Rubiks cube is to solve ;)!
30. Robot | Making of a Mom
If this one does laundry, I’ll definitely be making this fun robot valentine mailbox, for sure! It’s about time I get my Rosie the Robot maid…I’ve been waiting patiently since age 7. If you get that reference, you’re my people ;).
31. Cactus | The Celebration Shoppe
But aren’t cacti prickly? Not this one! It’s just a pretty (and fabulous) valentine box idea!
32. Llama |Alice & Lois for Fun 365
Alice and Lois share a number of ADORABLE valentine box ideas over at the Fun 365 blog.
33. Mermaid Tale | Alice & Lois for Fun 365
Got a little water baby at home? Make them this lil mermaid (or merman) inspired valentine box!
34. Hippo | AC Moore
If you wanna hippopotomas for…Valentine’s Day 🎵, then this is the perfect solution! Much less maintenance (and danger).
35. Princess Castle |My Mommy Lessons
A pretty princess palace valentine card box, for your own resident princess!
36. Ready For Liftoff Rocket | Mom Brite
Future NASA engineer at home? Build their first rocket together for a fun, and completely out-of-this world valentine box craft.
37. Lion | My Mommy Lessons
Loving this lil lion idea! And it’s one of the more easy projects on this list, too. Bonus!
38. Lovely Leopard | Arkansas Girls
For your wild child…check out this crafty cat that your lil feline-loving friend will adore.
39. Flushing Toilet | Today’s Fabulous Finds
And this one certainly would win some kind of kids choice award, right? At least for elementary-school-aged boys, right?! 😂. Who am I kidding…middle schoolers and high schoolers would adore this idea, too!
40. Awesome Animal Cracker Upcycle | Where The Smiles Are
I’m always looking for alternate ways to reuse plastic containers. And this animal cracker valentine box is a brilliant idea! This teddy bear box is sturdy (and sweet)!
41. Lego Bricks | The Blackberry Vine
A valentine block that looks like a Lego brick! Your little builder will love it!
And hey…if you got some Lego crazed kids at home, you may want to check out this article with great Lego storage ideas…or this one that will show you how to make a DIY Lego clean-up tool so you can avoid the Lego-induced foot pain that comes from stepping on those menacing little blocks…ouch!
42. PJ Masks Party Box | Mama’s Geeky
If you have a pre-schooler, then you probably know the PJ Masks theme song by heart. And if that just got into your head…I’m sorry.
But you won’t be sorry when you see their big smile when you pull out these plans for their very own PJ Masks valentine holder! This is sure to be a pre-school crowd pleaser!
43. Rapunzel’s Tower | Hand Me Down Ideas
Rapunzel, Rapunzel could create this crafty valentine box with all the time she has to spare whilst trapped in her castle tower. And it’s a pretty adorable creation, I’d say!
44. Dinosaur | Adventures of Mel
Testing my dino skills…I’d say triceratops? But regardless of the species, this valentine box is special. And perfect for your budding paleontologist!
45. Brilliant Bluey Box | Savvy Mama Lifestyle
Is Bluey your little one’s jam? Then check out this tutorial for an awesome Bluey themed party box!
46. Rocket Booster | One Creative Mommy
Make it into a backpack! This would make it easy to bring to and from school!
47. Minion | Birthday Blueprint
Admittedly, I get my minions mixed up. I think this one is Bob? Your kiddo will certainly know, and will LOVE this idea if he or she is a Despicable Me fan!
48. Personalized Chocolate Heart Box | Honey and Lime
I can see tweens and teens really appreciating this cool creation, complete with a personalized photo topper.
49. Bee | I heart crafty things
Another idea for your old Quaker oats container! This one a bee for your budding beekeeper, gardener, or lover of honey :).
50. Batmobile | Stockpiling Moms
Valentines go….TO THE BATMOBILE! An inspired way to collect cards for your resident comic book lover.
Another, more frilly, fancy take on a mailbox motif!
52. Locker | Plaid Online
Isn’t this idea darling?! No lock required.
53. Monsters | One Creative Mommy
Break out the pipe cleaners! You’ve got monsters to make! These adorable DIY valentine’s day boxes, made with recycled tissue boxes are relatively easy projects…and cute as can be!
54. Large Envelope Holders | That’s What Che Said
Following the K.I.S.S. principle is always smart, but seems especially appropriate for Valentine’s Day! Keep things simple with these embellished envelopes in lieu of fancy, time-consuming valentine boxes.
55. Puppy Paper Bag | Crafty Kids Play
Genius. Instead of a decorated box, use a bag! This brown paper bag puppy dog is one part sweet, one part simple. A winning combo, if you ask ANY mom!
56. Birdhouse Valentine Box | One Creative Mommy
If your little one thinks Valentine’s Day is for the birds, this may be the ideal box for them!
57. GardenValentine Box | Buggy and Buddy
Love this little valentine garden box! Great for kiddos with a green thumb!
58. Lego Valentine Box | Mama Moose
Make it with Legos! Another very green concept. Nothing goes to waste, and this idea is perfect for little builders.
59. Love Bug | The House that Lars Built
The House that Lars Built made several of these piñata-type boxes, including another that is a hot air balloon, and a cute set of lips.
And that’s a DIY valentine’s box wrap! Did you find one you and your little ones want to try? Not sold on the DIY concept? No worries. Here are some adorable Valentine boxes that you can buy!
Valentine Boxes For Purchase
Here’s my curated list of adorable valentine boxes that you can buy instead of DIY! Either way, buy or DIY your little one will love their valentine party gear this year!
Pin this post for later! And if you make one, leave a comment (or better yet, a photo) on the pin! That helps others know whether they want to try this project, too!